Pearl Thurston

(Kathryn Browning)

Garrett’s wife. Disappointed and bitter about her life in the frontier.

Garrett Thurston

(Bob Martin)

Founder of Thurston. First watched the railroad pass his once thriving mining town by then the plague take most of its residents. Still clings to the dream of the West.

John Callaway

(Regen Wilson)

Former plantation owner. Lost everything in the War. Dastardly and dangerous. Has come West to reclaim the one thing he thinks he still owns.

Sheriff Nate Hart

(Steven Quartell)

Reluctant lawman. Went West after going AWOL during the Civil War. Observant and practical. Lives in the gray area of justice.


(Peter Ponzini)

Tough and serious.  Believes in vigilante justice if justice isn’t served in the courts.


(Richard Cutting)

Struggling to bring civility to the West.  A decent man until his own survival is at stake.

Judge William Richards

(Dave Gamble)

Travelling magistrate.  Pompous, proud and yellow-bellied.

Mabel Winston

(Sandra O’Sullivan)

Curious and precocious. Travelling to California with her family.

Dr. Benjamin Walkingstick

(Enrico Nassi)

Intelligent and pensive.  He straddles two worlds – that of his Cherokee family and that of the Western European settlers.

Marie Dumont

(Ariana Almajan)

Beguiling and mysterious.  Travels the rails conning men out of their fortunes.